
Article I NAME

  1. The name of this organization shall be the Northwest Regional Library System, hereinafter referred to as NORWELD.
  2. NORWELD exists by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 3375 of the Ohio Revised Code, exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under the said statute.


NORWELD will provide such imaginative leadership and special services that all libraries in Northwest Ohio will excel and deeply enrich their communities.

The purpose of the Northwest Regional Library System is to create and maintain an environment in which the membership of the system can readily share resources, services, continuing education, and networking opportunities to enhance library services both in the local community and in the region. 

The Northwest Regional Library System facilitates this effort by:

  1. Providing services, training, and networking opportunities otherwise not affordable to individual libraries;
  2. Providing expertise, assistance and recommendations by professionals in a climate of ever changing technologies;
  3. Coordinating efforts on group projects for special services in the region;
  4. Providing a link between local community resources and those of the state and the nation;
  5. Offering professional staff to assist members by providing advice, expertise, and sound business judgment to help librarians respond to the challenges of providing excellent library services and materials to patrons in the local community and the region.


Sect. 1. NORWELD is organized as a Metropolitan Library System as defined and governed by Sections 3375.90 et. seq. of the Ohio Revised Code.

Sect. 2. NORWELD is an organization of public, academic, special, school, institutional, and other libraries or information services within NORWELD's geographical service area.

Sect. 3. NORWELD may service any of the above defined libraries in the following geographical area: Allen, Auglaize, Crawford, Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Huron, Logan, Lucas, Marion, Mercer, Morrow, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Shelby, Union, Van Wert, Williams, Wood and Wyandot counties. The boundaries of NORWELD do not overlap the boundaries of any other currently chartered library system.

Sect. 4. Map

A map of Ohio divided into its 88 counties. Each quadrant of the state is in a different color, representing the regional library system it is a part of.


Sect. 1. Types of Membership

A. Full membership is open to any library within NORWELD's stated service area upon written application to and approval by the NORWELD Executive Director. These libraries will have access to Basic Services provided by the State Library and delivered through NORWELD. Libraries will become Full Members upon payment of applicable program fees.

B. Geographic Membership is extended to all libraries within the designated service boundaries of NORWELD commencing on July 1, 2006. These libraries will have access to Basic Services provided by the State Library and delivered through NORWELD.

Sect. 2. Application Process for Membership

All libraries interested in full membership in NORWELD must submit a written application to the NORWELD Executive Director. Full member libraries must abide by NORWELD's bylaws and policies. All fees will be determined by the NORWELD Board of Trustees.

Sect. 3. Nothing pertaining to organization and operation of NORWELD shall be construed to infringe upon the autonomy of any participating library or of the governing body of any library. (ORC Section 3375.90C)

Participating libraries may be full voting members of only one existing state chartered regional library system.

Sect. 4 Removal from Membership

A. Full membership may be terminated on the first day of July in any year, providing that notice of the intent to withdraw has been received by the NORWELD Secretary at least 18 months prior to the date of withdrawal. (ORC 3375.93)

B. Continued full membership and its privileges are contingent upon the prompt payment of fees, compliance with bylaws, policies, and procedures. The NORWELD Board of Trustees reserves the right to remove from membership any library for non-compliance.


NORWELD's structure allows for broad representation form its membership, while operating within the accepted guidance of a Board of Trustees.

Sect. 1. There shall be a NORWELD Membership Council which shall consist of the library director from each full member library. In the event the director is unable to attend, they may send a designated representative.

Sect. 2. There shall be a NORWELD Board of Trustees elected by the Membership Council.


Sect. 1. Powers and Duties

A. The Membership Council shall elect the members of the NORWELD Board of Trustees.

B. The President of the NORWELD Board of Trustees shall appoint in January the immediate Past President as chairperson and two representatives from the NORWELD board to serve as a Nominating Committee.

This committee will submit its slate to the NORWELD Board of Trustees and the Membership Council at the annual meeting.

At the annual meeting, nominations may also be taken from the floor of the Membership Council for the slate, with the acceptance of those nominated.

C. The Membership Council shall provide advice on the development and implementation of NORWELD programs and services. Individual representatives may also serve on NORWELD committees.

Sect. 2. Meetings

A. There shall be an annual meeting of the Membership Council each fiscal year at which members of the Board of Trustees will be elected. The date shall be determined by the Board of Trustees.

B. Special meetings shall be called at the request of the President, or by at least seven members of the NORWELD Board of Trustees, or by the NORWELD Executive Director.

Notice of special meetings shall be given at least seven days prior to the meeting, stating their special purpose.

Business shall be confined to the stated special purpose.

C. Quorum requirements for Membership Council meetings shall be representation from one-third of the voting member libraries.

D. All meetings of the Membership Council shall be subject to all public meeting rules of the State of Ohio.

Article VII Board of Trustees

Sect. 1. Membership

A. The NORWELD Board of Trustees shall consist of 13 members (from libraries with full membership in NORWELD), elected by the Membership Council.

The NORWELD Board of Trustees shall have at least one or more members who represent the governing body of their respective libraries, and at least six members who are library directors. The majority of the NORWELD Board of Trustees will not represent libraries from the same county.

B. No member of the NORWELD Board of Trustees shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms.

C. In the event of a vacancy, the President of the Board of Trustees shall, within 30 days, appoint a representative from a full member library to fill the unexpired term. An individual appointed to serve more than 50% of an unexpired term may serve the remainder of that term, and one additional term.

Sect. 2. Meetings

The first regular meeting of the NORWELD Board of Trustees occurring after the beginning of the NORWELD fiscal year, (July 1st) shall be the organizational meeting. Officers shall be elected and take office at this meeting. The Board shall appoint the Fiscal Officer and Executive Director/Deputy Fiscal Officer for one year. The oath of office shall be administered to new Trustees, the Fiscal Officer, and the Executive Director/Deputy Fiscal Officer, as needed, at the meeting, and dates and times for the regular board meetings and annual Membership Council shall be set for the fiscal year.

Sect. 3. Officers

A. The officers of the NORWELD Board of Trustees, the President, Vice-President/President Elect, and the Secretary, shall also act as officers of the Membership Council and are elected by the Board of Trustees.

B. The President

  1. The President's duties are as follows:
    1. appoint committees;
    2. be an ex-officio member of all committees;
    3. represent the Membership Council in all official business; and
    4. cast a vote only to make or break a tie vote.
  2. The President shall serve a term of one year until he/she is succeeded by the President Elect, that term to begin at the organizational meeting.

C. The Vice-President/President Elect

  1. The Vice-President/President Elect's duty is to perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.
  2. The Vice-President/President Elect shall serve a term of one year, or until his/her successor is elected, that term to begin at the organizational meeting.

D. The Secretary

  1. The Secretary's duties are to record the minutes of all Membership Council and Board of Trustees' meetings.
  2. The Secretary shall serve a term of one year, or until his/her successor is elected, that term to begin at the organizational meeting.

E. Vacancies

Vacancies that occur during a term of office shall be filled as follows:

  1. President. The Vice-President/President Elect shall assume the duties of the President for the remainder of the term, then assume the office in his/her own right.
  2. Vice-President/President Elect. A new election shall be held by the Board of Trustees.
  3. Secretary. A new election shall be held by the Board of Trustees.

Sect. 4. Recorder

A. The NORWELD Executive Director shall act as Recorder.

B. The Recorder shall maintain the file of minutes for each meeting; announce the dates and place for all meetings; and be a non-voting member ex-officio of all NORWELD committees and subcommittees.

Sect. 5. Powers of the Board of Trustees

A. The Board of Trustees shall have all the powers and responsibilities enumerated in Chapter 3375.91(A)-(K) of the Ohio Revised Code.

B. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to appoint and fix the compensation for an Executive Director for NORWELD, and any necessary assistants who shall have the same employment status as employees of public libraries.

C. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to appoint and fix the compensation for a Fiscal Officer for NORWELD, and a Deputy Fiscal Officer, if necessary, who shall serve for a term of one year, according to the terms set forth in the Ohio Revised Code, Section 3375.91(I) and 3375.92.

Sect. 6. Meetings

A. The NORWELD Board of Trustees shall meet quarterly, at dates, times, and places to be agreed to by a majority of the Board.

Meetings of the NORWELD Board of Trustees shall be subject to all public meeting rules of the State of Ohio.

The Board of Trustees are committed to the responsibilities undertaken when volunteering to serve on a working board, and the President may ask a member to contact another board member who is absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the Board.

B. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be called at the request of the President of the Board, or by at least four members of the Board of Trustees, or by the NORWELD Executive Director.

C. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Board of Trustees.


Sect. 1. Committees

A. Select or ad hoc committees may be formed from time to time as deemed necessary by the NORWELD Board of Trustees or the NORWELD Executive Director. These committees shall be considered discharged upon completion of the purpose for which they were appointed and shall only hold the powers and duties granted to them by the terms of the special project for which they were organized. Formation of select or ad hoc committees shall be brought to the attention of the President of the Board of Trustees.

B. Committee members shall be appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees or the NORWELD Executive Director, and shall be selected from among representatives of full member libraries.


These Bylaws may be amended, revised, or repealed at any meeting of the NORWELD Board of Trustees by a two-thirds majority of that Board. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing, and in their entirety, to all full member Membership Council representatives for their review and comment at least (30) day prior to the meeting at which the proposed changes will be voted on by the Board of Trustees.


Meetings of both the Membership Council and the NORWELD Board of Trustees will follow parliamentary procedures as outlined in the newest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, when not inconsistent with the NORWELD Bylaws or with the Ohio Revised Code.


The Board of Trustees of NORWELD may dissolve this organization in accordance with Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 3375.93.

Adopted: June 17, 1992
Revised: May 24, 1995
Revised: Oct. 31, 2001
Revised: June 21, 2006
Revised: April 18, 2018
Revised: June 20, 2018