Join us on April 15th for a webinar on capturing teens' interest in the library with Kelsey Bogan. This webinar is FREE for NORWELD members.
Borrow a Storytelling Set for your next storytime! Each set comes with a book and cloth characters for use with a flannel board.
Children learn basic geometric shapes as they construct 2D shapes and 3D structures with our Magna-Tiles STEM Kit. It is one of many Outreach Kits available to NORWELD members.

Home Page

Focus Groups

Join us for a focus group session led by Neo-RLS to determine the future direction of our organization. This session is open to all library staff- both members and non-members- of NORWELD. Sessions will be held on January 8 and January 16.

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While the information contained within the website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in the website is correct, complete, and up-to-date.