Drupal 9 Documentation

Instructions for basic site management can be found at https://librarysite.chillco.com/about/about-librarysite/librarysite-documentation.


Drupal 101 Workshops

Drupal 101 is a two-hour, hands-on training workshop offered at the Northwest Regional Library System office in downtown Bowling Green. This workshop is geared toward those who are new to Drupal 9 and those who are in need of a refresher. Important website features including content types, blocks, site navigation, and visual content are reviewed in detail during a facilitator-lead demonstration. Participants will also have opportunities to get hands-on experience editing their library's website. 

If the Drupal 101 workshops don't fit in your schedule or you would like more specialized, one-on-one assistance with your website, contact Beth Parker at bparker@norweld.org.